My career: social work


Hellooo !!! Today I'm gonna talk about why I decided to study social work….

Well, I studied obstetrics for a semester, but my time and responsibilities as a mother didn't allow me to continue, so I left it and took the rest of the semester to evaluate what I wanted to study.

The time for the application came and among my options was public administration and social work.

I decided on social work because I consider it to be an altruistic career and that it's not only forming you as a professional but also as a person.

Today I am in the third semester of my degree and honestly has opened a new world for me, I feel that when I started studying this degree, the bubble I knew burst.

So far the subject that I have liked the most has been social psychology, since it allows us to look at the same fact from different perspectives, this according to me is very important for today's social workers, since one must intervene and generate projects from failure systems.

This career has given me a taste for reading, since it is from this practice that one obtains knowledge, so as my advice, read a lot !!!! and see you next week !!!


  1. Hi Karen, I share your opinion, to say that it also opened my eyes to a new world

  2. Without a doubt Social Work is one of the careers that train people to make the world a better place, I love your attitude!

  3. Social work is a very nice career, with which you can generate a great change in society, no matter where you work. The fact that people appreciate your work means that you are doing it well.
    I liked your opinion too much.
    Regards!! :)

  4. I know a few persons that their first optinios was nursing too

  5. Hello Karen, I am very glad that you like it and enjoying the career.


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