
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

English language challendges

 Good Morning !!  Today I would like to tell you about the challenge and experience of learning English at university, to begin with I want to emphasize that personally I consider English to be very difficult to learn, since I was little, English has been so hard for me and it generates a lot of panic to speak it.  I started at level 1 of English, that is to say the most basic, I remember that not it was not difficult for me and I liked it a lot because they were things that I saw for years in school, however, this year it was difficult for me to follow the pace of the English course, but honestly it was nice even though I did not pass very well in the final exams.  As I already said, I started from the base, they taught me numbers, the alphabet, the verb to be and the verb tenses, all this was put into practice through blogs, which were carried out according to the topic that the teacher gave us in class following some instructions , I really liked this activity because I realized tha

Time travel to the future

 Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and healthy in this difficult pandemic time.  Well ... this time I want to imagine with you a trip to the future.   I would like to travel 10 years forward and see the woman that I have become, to know how I am, if I am really happy and dedicate myself to the profession I chose, and to know if my plans to go abroad have materialized and to know the place where I will be In a few more years, I would also like to see how my daughter is doing, who by then would already be a 13-year-old teenager, I would like to see the girl she has become and know if she is happy with the mother she has and the life we ​​lead.    In addition, I would like to visit my sisters, nephews and mother to see how they have done and see if they are well, because honestly it would be very sad to realize that in that future one of my loved ones is not there.   Finally, I would very much like to see the main cities of some countries and learn about technological advances, beca