
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

My future job

Hellooooo !!  Today I would like to tell you about my profession and my dream work..... I am currently studying social work, I will graduate in 3 more years if everything goes well, when I finish I would like to work in a foundation or institution that is related to childhood, since I feel that the system is in a huge debt with the children of the country. This is why this area has always caught my attention. I imagine it will be a quiet job but it will contain a lot of history in it, and from which I will be able to gain experience, hopefully the work I do will help the community, since that is what a large part of my profession is about. I would also like to be able to travel thanks to work, so it wouldn't be routine and I could get to know different realities. I would like to be able to feel happy where I work with good colleagues and a good work environment.  I consider this very important, since you can receive a good salary and have a good job, but you may not be happy in it.

My career: social work

  Hellooo !!! Today I'm gonna talk about why I decided to study social work…. Well, I studied obstetrics for a semester, but my time and responsibilities as a mother didn't allow me to continue, so I left it and took the rest of the semester to evaluate what I wanted to study. The time for the application came and among my options was public administration and social work. I decided on social work because I consider it to be an altruistic career and that it's not only forming you as a professional but also as a person. Today I am in the third semester of my degree and honestly has opened a new world for me, I feel that when I started studying this degree, the bubble I knew burst. So far the subject that I have liked the most has been social psychology, since it allows us to look at the same fact from different perspectives, this according to me is very important for today's social workers, since one must intervene and generate projects from failure systems. This career

My experience as a mom

Today I want to tell you about my experience as a young mom Well, to be honest, it has been a difficult and arduous path, but I learnt a lot of it. I got pregnant near my 17th birthday, I had the unconditional support of my mother and my sisters until today, but I lost contact with my father for 7 months and then when we spoke again nothing was the same as before. I felt like my life no longer had meaning, many bad thoughts passed through my mind, I locked myself in my room for about 3 months, until one day my mother spoke firmly to me and made me reconsider everything and see that I was facing a difficult situation but that I could get through it and that she would never leave me alone. Today I am grateful for being a mother, this has taught me a pure and sincere love, seeing my daughter's smile gives me strength and encouragement to move forward, to fight for my dreams and realize that there is nothing lost. I always